Enchanted Forest, by Jackson Pollock

Like Alchemy, Enchanted Forest exemplifies Jackson Pollock's mature abstract compositions created by the pouring, dripping, and splattering of paint on large, unstretched canvases. In
Enchanted Forest Pollock opens up the more dense construction of layered color found in works such as Alchemy by allowing large areas of white to breathe amidst the network of moving, expanding line. He also reduces
his palette to a restrained selection of gold, black, red, and white.
In Enchanted Forest Pollock creates a delicate balance of form and color through orchestrating syncopated rhythms of lines that surge, swell, retreat, and pause only briefly before plunging anew into continuous,
lyrical motion. One's eye follows eagerly, pursuing first one dripping rope of color and then another, without being arrested by any dominant focus. Rather than describing a form, Pollock's line thus becomes continuous form